Exploring PEMF Mats as Featured by Gary Brecka on the Joe Rogan Experience

Updated 12/13/23

In a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience (November 9th, 2023), Gary Brecka, a distinguished human biologist and co-founder of 10X Health System, shed light on the transformative health benefits of grounding and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) mats. His insights delve into the profound impact these practices can have on our physical and physiological well-being. Brecka's discussion centered around the ways in which grounding and PEMF mats can revolutionize health management - from enhancing blood cell separation and promoting efficient waste elimination to facilitating advanced detoxification processes. He illuminated how these therapies go beyond mere symptom relief, offering a pathway to fundamentally enhance life quality and trajectory. This intriguing conversation with Joe Rogan brings to the forefront an exciting aspect of modern wellness technology, inviting us to explore the potential of PEMF mats as a tool for deep, holistic healing and optimal health.

See PEMF Mats (and other grounding mats) on Amazon!!

Key Benefits of PEMF Mats

  1. Improved Circulation and Pain Reduction: PEMF therapy enhances blood flow and can significantly reduce pain, making it a valuable tool for those suffering from chronic pain conditions.

  2. Muscle Relaxation and Performance: The therapy aids in muscle relaxation and can improve muscle performance, which is beneficial for athletes and individuals with muscle-related issues.

  3. Reduced Inflammation and Swelling: PEMF mats can decrease inflammation and swelling in the body, aiding in recovery from injuries and reducing discomfort from various conditions.

  4. Enhanced Cellular Repair and Recovery: The electromagnetic pulses stimulate cellular repair and recovery, speeding up the healing process from injuries or surgeries.

  5. Improved Immune System Function: Regular use of PEMF therapy can strengthen the immune system, helping the body to fight off illnesses more effectively.

  6. Better Sleep Quality: PEMF mats can improve sleep patterns, leading to better rest and recovery, which is crucial for overall health and well-being.

  7. Aid in Space Rehabilitation: Interestingly, NASA has found PEMF therapy to be beneficial for astronauts returning from space, as it stimulates tissue growth and repair and enhances cell function, which is crucial after prolonged exposure to low gravity environments​​.

  8. Potential Anti-Aging Benefits: There is evidence to suggest that PEMF therapy can stimulate the production of hormones like HGH and Melatonin, which have anti-aging properties. This aspect of PEMF therapy is especially popular among biohackers for its potential to extend lifespans and improve cellular regeneration​​.

Gary Brecka, a renowned human biologist, discussed the benefits of grounding or using a PEMF mat on the Joe Rogan Podcast. He highlighted how these practices could improve blood cell separation, waste elimination, and detoxification, ultimately enhancing overall well-being and potentially altering life trajectories​​.

More About Grounding Mats

Grounding mats, also known as "earthing mats," are designed to connect people to the Earth's natural electric charge. The concept behind grounding is based on the principle that contact with the Earth's surface electrons can promote physiological changes and wellness. Here's a brief overview of grounding mats and their purported benefits:

Principle of Grounding

The Earth maintains a negative electrical potential on its surface. When you walk barefoot on the ground, your body becomes conductively connected to the Earth, which is believed to have health benefits.

How Grounding Mats Work

Grounding mats mimic this contact with the Earth. They are typically made of conductive materials and are connected to the Earth via a wire plugged into a grounded wall outlet or a grounding rod. When you touch the mat, it's like touching the Earth directly. If you can, get outside and actually touch the earth! But if you cannot, these mats are an amazing alternative.

Purported Health Benefits

Reduced Inflammation

Some research suggests that grounding may reduce inflammation in the body.

Improved Sleep

Users often report improved sleep patterns, possibly due to the reduction in cortisol levels and sympathetic nervous system activity.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Grounding may help balance the autonomic nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.

Pain Relief

There are anecdotal reports and some studies suggesting that grounding can help reduce chronic pain.

Scientific Perspective

It's important to note that while some studies support the benefits of grounding, the scientific community still considers this a relatively new and exploratory area. More research is needed to conclusively determine the effectiveness and understand the mechanisms behind grounding.


Grounding mats can be used in various settings, such as at a desk while working, under your feet, or on a bed while sleeping.

Safety and Precautions

Generally, grounding mats are considered safe. However, it's important to follow manufacturer instructions and consult with a healthcare provider, especially for those with conditions that might be affected by changes in electrical body charge.

Grounding mats offer a way to simulate the effects of walking barefoot on the Earth, with users reporting a range of health benefits. While there is some scientific evidence supporting these claims, the field requires further research for more definitive conclusions.

Incorporating PEMF mats into a daily wellness routine can offer a holistic approach to health, leveraging the power of electromagnetic fields to enhance the body's natural healing processes. Whether for rehabilitation, pain management, or general health improvement, the versatile benefits of PEMF mats make them a valuable addition to modern health practices.

Common Questions & General Info

What is a PEMF Mat?

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields, sometimes referred to as "Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Frequencies". A PEMF mat is a device that emits these electromagnetic fields to provide therapeutic benefits​​.

Benefits of a PEMF Mat

PEMF mats are FDA Registered for Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis and have several other benefits. They are known for muscle relaxation and improved circulation. The pulsating magnetic fields produce tiny electromagnetic impulses in the body, which can help in relieving aches and pains​​​​.

How to Use a PEMF Mat at Home

  • Unroll the mat on a flat surface.

  • Connect it to an electrical outlet.

  • Lay down on the mat, ensuring maximum body contact.

  • Set the desired intensity level and session duration on the control panel.

  • Relax and start the session. You may feel a sense of relaxation or energy.

  • Gently rise from the mat after the session ends​​.

What Does a PEMF Mat Do?

When using a PEMF mat, you may experience a subtle tingling sensation or a swirling of energy in your body. This sensation is part of the therapeutic process where the electromagnetic fields interact with your body​​.

Who Should Not Use a PEMF Mat?

Individuals with implanted electronic devices like pacemakers, pregnant women, or those with certain health conditions should consult their healthcare provider before using a PEMF mat. The electromagnetic fields could potentially interfere with electronic implants​​.

How Long to Lay on a PEMF Mat:

The session duration can vary based on individual preferences and the specific conditions being targeted. It's recommended to start with low intensity for a short period and gradually increase as your body adapts. Regular use can help maximize the benefits of PEMF therapy​​.

Do's and Don'ts

Do: Consult a healthcare provider if you have a medical condition, start with low intensity and short sessions, use the mat regularly for maximum benefits.

Don't: Use if pregnant, with electronic implants, and don't ignore discomfort during or after a session​​.

Can PEMF Mats Help with Sleep Disorders?

PEMF therapy has shown potential in helping to regulate sleep patterns. The electromagnetic fields may influence the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep, potentially aiding in better sleep quality and duration.

Is PEMF Therapy Recognized by Medical Professionals?

PEMF therapy is gaining recognition among medical professionals for its non-invasive nature and potential therapeutic benefits. It's increasingly being used alongside conventional treatments for a variety of conditions.

Can Children Use PEMF Mats?

While PEMF therapy can be safe for children, it's crucial to consult with a pediatrician first. The intensity and duration of sessions should be carefully monitored and adjusted for younger users.

How Often Can I Use a PEMF Mat?

The frequency of use can vary based on individual health goals and responses to the therapy. Some people use it daily for general wellness, while others may use it less frequently for specific conditions.

Are There Any Long-Term Side Effects of Using a PEMF Mat?

PEMF therapy is generally considered safe with no known long-term side effects. However, as with any therapeutic device, it's important to follow usage guidelines and consult with a healthcare provider for personal health concerns.

Can PEMF Therapy Help with Stress and Anxiety?

Some users report that PEMF therapy helps in reducing stress and anxiety levels. The therapy's potential to promote relaxation and improve circulation can contribute to a sense of overall well-being.

What to Wear When Using a PEMF Mat?

It's recommended to wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing while using a PEMF mat. Avoid wearing metal objects as they may interfere with the electromagnetic fields.

Can PEMF Therapy Assist in Recovery Post-Exercise?

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts sometimes use PEMF mats to aid in post-exercise recovery. The therapy can help reduce muscle soreness and accelerate the healing process after intense physical activity.

How to Clean and Maintain a PEMF Mat?

To ensure the longevity of your PEMF mat, clean it regularly with a dry cloth and store it in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposure to moisture and direct sunlight, and follow any specific maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturer.


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