Celtic Sea Salt for Hydration (Gary Brecka on the Joe Rogan Experience)

Quick Summary

Updated 1/25/24

Utilize Celtic Sea Salt for ultimate hydration! It is the best choice according to Gary Brecka, who recently appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

It’s also cheaper than buying hydration packets too.

Get Celtic Sea Salt on Amazon!

Gary Brecka on Celtic Sea Salt

Gary Brecka, a renowned human biologist and co-founder of the 10X Health System, recently graced the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, offering profound insights into health and nutrition. His expertise in genetics and nutrition sheds light on how we can optimize our health in today's fast-paced world.

Gary Brecka’s Perspective on Health and Nutrition

Brecka’s Take on Blood Pressure and Cardiovascular Health

Gary Brecka puts a spotlight on the intricate relationship between genetics and lifestyle in managing blood pressure and cardiovascular health. He steps away from the traditional belief that high blood pressure is just about genes. Instead, he zeroes in on the crucial roles played by diet and environmental factors. According to Brecka, overlooking these aspects can lead to misdiagnoses of hypertension. He insists that a comprehensive approach, considering both genetic and lifestyle factors, is essential for true cardiovascular wellness.

Mindful Approach to Folic Acid Intake

Brecka is a strong advocate for being mindful about folic acid intake. He suggests steering clear of synthetic fortification and opting for organic, non-fortified foods. This approach, he believes, can have a profound impact on mental health. Brecka warns against the negative effects of excess synthetic folic acid and encourages natural dietary sources or the right supplements to ensure mental well-being.

The Impact of Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies are a silent menace that can trigger a range of health problems. Brecka emphasizes the necessity of genetic testing and appropriate supplementation to address these deficiencies. He particularly notes the impact of certain gene mutations on folic acid metabolism, advocating for alternatives like Methylfolate. By addressing these deficiencies through personalized supplementation, he believes individuals can significantly improve their health outcomes.

Alternative Treatments and Wellness Practices

Brecka delves into the realm of gut health, discussing the potential of alternative treatments such as PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and BPC 157. However, he also places a high value on natural solutions, including the use of vitamins and amino acids. Additionally, he recognizes the benefits of red light therapy and simple health practices like grounding and breath work, emphasizing their importance in achieving optimal health.

Celtic Sea Salt and Its Health Benefits

Exploring the world of natural remedies, Gary Brecka highlights the unique benefits of Celtic Sea Salt. He shares his own sea salt sole recipe, a natural concoction that not only improves hydration but also offers relief from headaches and supports overall well-being. Brecka underscores the importance of choosing natural, unrefined salts over processed alternatives for maximum health benefits.

The Role of Diet in Health Optimization

Diet plays a pivotal role in our health, as evidenced by Brecka's discussion on the ketogenic diet. He stresses the importance of quality food sources, like grass-fed meats, and warns against the detrimental effects of seed oils. The right diet can not only enhance health but also prevent various pathological conditions.

Gary Brecka's conversation with Joe Rogan offers a treasure trove of health wisdom. From the importance of understanding our genetic makeup to the simple yet effective health practices we can adopt, his insights encourage us to take a more informed and proactive approach to our health.


  • The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast #2060 - Gary Brecka

  • Additional resources and materials on health and nutrition.

Simply put, it’s so important to stay hydrated. Many people worry about supplements, exercise, nutrition, etc. (and rightfully so) but hydration must be at the top of the list. Drinking plenty of water is great. But adding salt to it can truly take your hydration to the next level.


Gary Brecka on Folic Acid


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